= Graylog2 = Graylog2 is an open source log management solution that stores your logs in ElasticSearch. == Clean up DB == [[http://wiki.hackspherelabs.com/index.php?title=Graylog2#Clean_Out_Graylog2_DB]] "Cure" for high CPU usage: * service graylog2 stop * cd /opt/elasticsearch-0.19.9/data/graylog2 * rm * -rf * /opt/mongo/bin/mongo * use graylog2 * db.message_counts.remove() * db.hosts.remove() * exit * service graylog2 start == Send log from python to graylog2 through GELF == See details in https://pypi.python.org/pypi/graypy Install with easy_install graypy . {{{#!highlight python #file name testGelf.py import logging import graypy my_logger = logging.getLogger('test_logger') my_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) handler = graypy.GELFHandler('', 12201) my_logger.addHandler(handler) my_logger.debug('Hello Graylog2.') my_logger.debug('Hello Graylog2, %s.'%(datetime.datetime.now() )) my_logger.info('Inf hello Graylog2, %s.'%(datetime.datetime.now() )) }}} On graylog2 the following columns are used: * From: hostx * Date: Tue Dec 10 13:14:50 +0000 2013 * Severity: Debug * Facility: test_logger * File: testGelf.py:10 * thread_name: MainThread * function: * process_name: MainProcess * pid: 27663 == Drools example .drl == {{{ rule "IMEI" when m : GELFMessage( shortMessage matches ".*\\s\\d{15}\\s.*" ) then Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("\\s(\\d{15})\\s").matcher(m.getShortMessage()); if (matcher.find()) { m.addAdditionalData("_imei", matcher.group(1) ); } end rule "IP Port" when m : GELFMessage( shortMessage matches "^.*\\s\\d+.\\d+.\\d+.\\d+:\\d+\\s.*" ) then Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("\\s(\\d+.\\d+.\\d+.\\d+):(\\d+)\\s").matcher(m.getShortMessage()); if (matcher.find()) { m.addAdditionalData("_ipaddr", matcher.group(1) ); m.addAdditionalData("_port", matcher.group(2) ); } end }}}